Monday, 12 May 2014


Board: P.Kilemsungla
Hobby: Writing Blog
State: Rajasthan
B.Tech in Engineering Physics

1.Tell me the cultural problems of Rajasthan.
2.What are the positive cultural aspects which must be promoted?
3.Tell me about the Maharani college in Jaipur. How many girls study there? What role does it have in women empowerment?
4.What is the impact of Ukraine issue on India?
5.What are the qualities of a civil servant?
6. Tell me one civil servant which inspires you?

Member: 1 
1. What is this engineering physics? Is it engineering or physics?
2. What issues you write in your blog?
3. How social media impacts people?
4. What is its impact on young people?
5. What are the causes of communalism?
6. What are the self help groups? What impact does they have?

Member: 2
1. Today, young children don't listen to their parents. What should be done so that children listen to parents?
2. What are the sources of energy which we should invest into?
3. What are the problems associated with nuclear energy?
4. Which countries in the World use nuclear energy on large scale?
5. What are the political issues related to the nuclear energy in India?

Member: 3
1. Why the Bishnoi community is famous for?
2. Tell me the one biggest problem of India?

There was no member 4. His chair was empty. 


  1. Perfect and apt questions to the most dignified blogger!!! Mr.Chairman to ur question no :3 -- he doesnt knw how many girls live in my pg!! how come he would know dat of a college.. :P And to the Member 2 -question no:1 !! ROFL !! UPSC Parivar watch serial Parvarish on sony :P !! Jokes apart! Sirji... next month gonna be a celebration time..!! Awaiting..!! :)

  2. best of luck for ur selection....hope ur intervw was fine.........
    start uploading great material as u hav uploaded til nw..]

  3. nice questions to test personalty unlike random rapid fire boards.All the best
