Thursday, 6 March 2014

WENDY DONIGER: Artistic Freedom or Offensive Content

Q. What was the issue related to Doniger's book?
- Wendy Doniger wrote a book- "The Hindus- An Alternative History". This book was written from a different perspective of women and dalits. She also injected sex, lust and desire into her perspective. This offended few fringe groups (SIKSHA BACHAO ANDOLAN SAMITI)and they protested against the insulting content. Finally, the book was withdrawn from the market by Penguin Books.

Q. Was the book really derogatory to Hinduism? Did the group who opposed it read the book? Who will decide that content is offensive or not?
-  It is unlikely that the book was read by the group which opposed it. Even if they read it, they are nobody to decide that book was derogatory. It is the wider society, law, government and judiciary will decide whether the book was derogatory or not.

Q. Then why did Penguin withdraw the book just by a threat from a fringe group?
- The reason given by Penguin is that it is responsible for the safety of its employees and doesn't want to put their life in danger. It said so because many of its employees were killed when Penguin published THE SATANIC VERSES by Rushdie.

Q. Do you agree with the Penguin's decision of withdrawing the book?
- No. Because it will encourage such groups and will curb the artistic freedom of expression. Penguin must have shown the courage and will to fight the case in Indian court.

Q What does this incident show about the Indian Society?
- It shows the growing intolerance and weak democracy of the Indian society. Democracy is all about debates and discussions to solve the differences. Succumbing to violence and threat undermines the institutions and erodes the faith in democratic ideals.
- In a plural and diverse society such as India, this kind of behavior will lead to chaos, fear and uncertainty. People must respect and welcome diverse views rather than to threaten them.

Q. What was the offensive content which offended the Hindu group?
- It is basically the challenge to the male authority because the book is written from women's perspective. Also, the injunction of sex and lust is embarrassing. But, these groups forgot that Khajuraho temples were integral part of Indian society in the past.
- To encourage mob behaviors from people these groups portray it as a christian conspiracy to denigrate Hinduism.

Q. So, what must be done to stop this kind of activity?
- Firstly, people need to be more tolerant. They must understand and respect the diversity of Iindia. For this, utilitarian and secular education will help.
- Secondly secularisation is very much needed in the society. People should not attach themselves deeply to the religious ideas. In this way they will consider the views of person who are challenging it.
- Thirdly, state and judiciary must take such cases, suo motu, to preserve the faith in democracy.


  1. good analysis sirjee...!!!
    however I would like to respectfully disagree with you that Indian democracy is weak.
    In a democracy everyone has a right to freedom of speech and expression . therefore SIKSHA BACHAO ANDOLAN SAMITI is also entitled to this fundamental right. There was no violence..niether a threat to violence. they took the court route to stop the publication of this book . penguin India presented a very weak example by withdrawing this book and resorting to out of court settlement. so I think both of them equally share the blame for this unfortunate incident .

  2. I do also agree to what vineet bhai says on the point "both of them equally share the blame".Writers should try to bring out a rational view out of their works such that it becomes socially acceptable rather than leading to narrow interpretations! People must grow up to show peaceful protest to other major issues creeping in rather than on such easily targettable & much hyped ones!

    1. A better word for NARROW interpretation can be ALTERNATE representation. We know that history can be viewed from different perspectives. Any new perspective will be challenged by the old ones. So, protect the writers, let them write their view and that can be further discussed and debated by the people.
